Category: Disclaimers

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Advertising Disclaimers

Advertising Disclaimers

When you advertise a product or service, you must consider the risk of misleading people, even inadvertently. A disclaimer helps reduce the risk of people making incorrect assumptions that could...

Disclaimers for YouTube

Disclaimers for YouTube

When you post content to YouTube, you may create legal obligations or raise legal questions. Using clear disclaimers can limit these obligations and help answer these questions. This can reduce...

Fair Use Disclaimer

Fair Use Disclaimer

Reproducing somebody else's content isn't always against copyright law. In some cases you can use a brief extract for specific purposes under "fair use" rules. A fair use disclaimer makes it...

Warranty Policy Template

Warranty Policy Template

When you sell goods, you may make specific promises that you will fix certain faults or problems within a certain period. Your Warranty Policy is where you will set out...

Disclaimers for Presentations

Disclaimers for Presentations

When creating a presentation, you'll be focused on including all the key information you want to convey. But you'll also want to make sure you establish credibility and authority in...

Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability Clauses

Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability Clauses

A disclaimer of warranties is about what the business does and does not promise, while the limitation of liability is about the business's responsibilities. "Disclaimer of warranties" and "limitation of liability"...